WordPress Git Workflow

wordpress git workflow

If you’re using the WordPress git workspace, you need to follow a few simple steps to avoid overwriting files. First, you need to make sure that the development process is done locally. This means that each member of your team must make this change to their local machine. This prevents the risk of accidentally overwriting the previous work. Then, you can make additional changes or updates locally as well. Then, you’ll be ready to deploy them to the WordPress website.

Once you’ve set up a git repository, you’ll need to set up your workspace and choose a branch to commit to. Then, you’ll need to name your branches, and specify the prefixes and short descriptions. A branch is like a file in a text editor, but you can make it more meaningful by setting a commit message that is unique to your project. Git also enables you to change the status of any branch.

A branch is a section of a project, and it’s a subdomain of the main project. Each branch has a name, like X.Y-branch. In WordPress, you’d have branches called 3, 4, and so on. If a branch doesn’t work, you can discard it or merge it into the main project. If you need to roll back a change, you can simply revert it to a previous version.
