Table of Contents Plugins

table of contents plugin

Adding a table of contents (TOC) to your website can improve the overall look and navigation experience. A table of contents plugin is an excellent way to add a TOC to specific pages, and can offer a variety of practical options. You can customize the sections, set different heading levels, and even have the table of contents automatically create itself as you type. Here are a few examples of table of contents plugins to use.

Gutenberg: Using this plugin will create a TOC before the first heading of your posts, pages, or custom post types. This plugin will also disable the index on posts. If you choose not to include a TOC in your website, you can also use the plugin’s settings to generate a TOC from the post heading. This plugin will automatically generate a TOC, but you can customize its name and position it anywhere on your website. Another drawback to this plugin is that it won’t work with the Classical Editor. It requires the Gutenberg editor to work properly.

A free TOC plugin is SimpleTOC. It is active on more than three thousand websites, and has received full marks from 25 users. Using a table of contents enriches the content of your website and makes it easier for users and search engines to understand. HTML anchors are also used to create a table of contents, but a table of contents plugin will allow you to do it with a few clicks. You can also choose to use the plugin’s HTML code to build a table of contents.
