How to Use a Google Web Page Tester

google web page tester

A Google web page tester is a useful tool to check your website for speed issues. It measures how long it takes for pages to load and correlates user experience with technical measurements. It measures the loading times of various parts of your website and shows you a filmstrip of screenshots that shows how long it takes for your page to appear empty or for important content to render. The tool uses packet-level throttling to determine performance, which is the gold standard for WebPerf measurements.

Aside from the speed, Google also measures the time it takes for dependent resources to load. Another helpful tool is Google PageSpeed Insights. PageSpeed Insights helps you determine if your website is loading too slowly and helps you optimize it. By using the tool, you can check if your website is up to Google’s recommended page load times and improve your page’s performance. The more you improve your website’s speed, the higher your Google PageRank will be.

If you’re using Mozilla as your browser, you can also use the Google Web Page Tester to see if a website looks right on it. While it won’t check all IE versions, it is useful for testing sites that use the Internet Explorer browser. You can also use other browsers such as Netscape 7.x or Mozilla. Then, make sure to install the latest version of Google’s Web Page Tester to get the most accurate results.
