How to Embed Calendly on WordPress

Are you looking to streamline your scheduling process and make it more convenient for your website visitors to book appointments with you? Calendly is a fantastic tool that allows you to do just that. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to embed Calendly on your WordPress website, ensuring a seamless scheduling experience for both you and your clients.

Why Use Calendly?

Before we delve into the steps, let’s briefly explore why Calendly is a popular choice for scheduling appointments:

  1. Easy Scheduling: Calendly simplifies the scheduling process by allowing users to view your availability and choose a time slot that suits them.
  2. Time Zone Management: Calendly automatically detects the user’s time zone, preventing any confusion about appointment timings.
  3. Integration: It seamlessly integrates with various calendar platforms, such as Google Calendar and Outlook, keeping all your appointments organized in one place.
  4. Customization: You can customize your availability, set buffer times between appointments, and even ask specific questions during the booking process.

Now, let’s get into the step-by-step process of embedding Calendly on your WordPress website.

Step 1: Create a Calendly Account

If you don’t already have a Calendly account, you’ll need to sign up for one. Visit Calendly’s official website and follow the registration process.

Step 2: Set Up Your Availability

Once your account is set up, log in to Calendly and configure your availability. Define your working hours, set buffer times, and customize the types of appointments you offer.

Step 3: Create an Event Type

In Calendly, an “Event Type” represents the kind of appointment you’re offering. Create a new Event Type and specify the details, including duration, location, and any questions you want to ask the attendees.

Step 4: Copy the Embed Code

After configuring your Event Type, navigate to the “Share & Embed” section in Calendly. Copy the provided embed code.

Step 5: Log in to Your WordPress Dashboard

Now, switch to your WordPress dashboard. Navigate to the page or post where you want to embed the Calendly scheduler.

Step 6: Add a Custom HTML Block

In the editor, add a Custom HTML block. Paste the Calendly embed code into this block.

Step 7: Preview and Publish

Preview the page to ensure that the Calendly scheduler appears as expected. Once satisfied, publish the page or post.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully embedded Calendly on your WordPress website. Visitors can now easily schedule appointments with you, enhancing the overall user experience.

In conclusion, integrating Calendly with WordPress is a straightforward process that can greatly benefit your scheduling efficiency. Whether you’re managing client meetings, consultations, or interviews, Calendly provides a user-friendly solution for hassle-free scheduling. Implementing this tool on your WordPress site is a surefire way to enhance productivity and provide a convenient booking experience for your audience.
