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The Best WordPress Chat Plugins

blogging, typing, wordpress

Enhancing User Engagement in 2023 In the dynamic world of website development, staying connected with your audience is crucial. WordPress, known for its versatility and user-friendliness, offers numerous options to integrate chat functionalities into your site. In this blog post,…

WP Grid Builder Discount

There are many options for using WP Grid Builder on your WordPress site, and this plugin has a number of benefits. It is compatible with ACF, offers a 14-day money back guarantee, and includes a set of 35 individual grid…

Extending DT child rows example

Short description of R package DT from its website: The R package DT provides an R interface to the JavaScript library DataTables. R data objects (matrices or data frames) can be displayed as tables on HTML pages, and DataTables provides filtering, pagination, sorting, and…

Top 5 WordPress Shop Themes For Your WordPress Shop

There are many great extensions available for a WordPress shop. The most popular is WooCommerce. WooCommerce offers a range of extensions, both free and paid, that help you sell digital products and services. You can also use Easy Digital Downloads…

How Does WordPress Multisite Work?

WordPress multisite allows you to create multiple websites, each with its own admin panel and user roles. Each site can have one or more super admins, who have access to Network Admin settings and dashboards of all websites. They can…

How to Add Google Analytics to WordPress

If you want to track your traffic, then Google Analytics is the way to go. It is free, versatile, and endlessly scalable. This plugin works perfectly with WordPress, so you can get the stats you need without the hassle of…