Category Uncategorized

Types of Templates for WordPress

WordPress themes are designed to look exactly like your website. These files contain dozens, even hundreds, of different types of information. They contain categorized folders and special files to deliver static content to specific pages. This is a big advantage…

How to Add a Domain to WordPress

When you want to add a new domain to your WordPress website, you’ll have to go through the WP Engine User Portal. You can’t add domains to multiple environments at the same time, such as multiple WP Engine accounts. When…

How to Add a Domain to WordPress

When you want to add a new domain to your WordPress website, you’ll have to go through the WP Engine User Portal. You can’t add domains to multiple environments at the same time, such as multiple WP Engine accounts. When…

The Benefits of Simple WordPress Themes

You may be looking for a simple WordPress theme that is full of powerful features. However, that doesn’t have to be the case. There are several powerful themes out there that are free of charge. Let us take a look…

How to Change Fonts on WordPress

If you’re looking for a way to customize the fonts on your WordPress blog, you’ve come to the right place. The most common method involves adding CSS code to your theme’s stylesheet. But you can also use the customiser, which…

A Cookie Plugin For Your WordPress Site

If you’re looking for a cookie plugin for your WordPress site, you’ve come to the right place. Not only can it help you stay compliant with the new EU Cookie Law, but it also makes it easy to customize the…

How to Use the wp_Get_Attachment_Image_Src() Function

WordPress’s media uploader provides several sizes for your images, including thumbnail, medium, and large. The featured image is also available in full size, and you can use this function to specify its exact size. The wp_get_attachment_image_src() function returns an array…

How to Use the WordPress Do_Shortcode Function

The WordPress do_shortcode function is an excellent way to include shortcodes into your theme template files. To use this function, simply place the shortcode within a function. Then, place the function’s output in the appropriate template location. To ensure the…

Using the WordPress Add-Action Feature

You can use the wordpress add_action feature to call back a function when a particular event takes place on your site. Its syntax is similar to that of the add_filter plugin, which does the same thing, but with an added…