Category Uncategorized

How to Choose the Best WordPress Page Builder

WordPress page builders can make or break your website. However, they can help you create a beautiful website, whether you’re using them yourself or need the assistance of a professional designer. The following are some tips to help you choose…

What is a Cron Job in WordPress?

If you’ve ever wondered what a ‘Cron Job’ is, you’re not alone. WordPress has a built-in cron system that lets you schedule various events. In order to use the ‘Cron’ feature, you must first install a plugin called WP-Crontrol. Once…

Choosing a WordPress Theme With Page Builder

You might already be using a WordPress theme with a page builder, but you might not know how to customize it. You may need to edit the theme’s settings manually, which requires some coding knowledge. Using a WordPress theme with…

WordPress Page Builder Plugins

If you’re in the market for a WordPress page builder plugin, then you’ve probably heard of a few good options. The following is a quick comparison of the various page builder plugins. Gutenberg combines the power of block-based editors with…