Category Uncategorized

The Best Site Builder for WordPress

The best site builder for WordPress isn’t necessarily the cheapest one, but it’s also the most customizable. It’s possible to build complex layouts without writing code, and the free version offers more flexibility than many paid options. Here are a…

How to Crawl the Site For Broken Links

The first step is to crawl the site for broken links. You can use different crawl tools to find the broken links on a website. The Geekflare Broken Link API can scan 300 pages of a website in just minutes.…

How to Prepare a WordPress High Traffic Site

If you want to drive large amounts of traffic to your WordPress website, you should prepare it for heavy traffic by taking a few precautionary measures. If you encounter sudden spikes in traffic, your site might crash or slow down,…

WordPress Development Workflow

There are a few different workflows available for WordPress development. The following three are some common examples. When working on a new project, you should first make a copy of your current local environment. Then, test it on staging and…