How to Search For Broken Links

search for broken links

If you are a passionate reader, chances are you will run into some broken links. While casual searching is an option, it’s not a good SEO strategy. A proper search can be done to determine which links need fixing. To do this, you can check Wikipedia or Google. Listed below are several ways to search for broken links. To get the best results, use relevant keywords and use relevant sites as the base. Once you’ve located broken links, you can fix them.

If a link is on an older page, it is more likely that it is broken than it is new. If this is the case, check out the older content for broken links. If you find several, contact the website owner and suggest a relevant piece of content. If the owner of the page is not available, it is likely that they’ve removed the link. Alternatively, you can suggest a new page to them with fresh content.

Besides resources pages, Wikipedia is another place to look for broken links. Editors of Wikipedia don’t immediately remove broken links, so they wait for other editors to confirm that the link is no longer working. Often, a link is broken for a few days or weeks, but a few others have confirmed it. Wikipedia pages with dead links are tagged with a “dead link” message. Use this message to find these pages.
